LOKER 2022 - Voice Indonesia adalah sebuah platform blog dan publikasi online yang dikembangkan oleh Team Muda Mudi Indonesia sejak 01 September 2021. Setiap konten (artikel, foto, komentar) dibuat dan ditayangkan langsung oleh Pengguna Internet yang telah memiliki Akun Voice Indonesia (disebut Void).
Loker VOID adalah media informasi berfokus pada lowongan kerja atau loker dengan tujuan menyambung informasi agar informasi lowongan kerja dapat sampai dengan cepat dan mudah diakses diberbagai aspek dan kalangan usia ( jobseeker) kepada anda sekalian.
Tentang Perusahaan PT World Innovative Telecommunication (OPPO)
OPPO is a globally registered technology brand, with a long history of serving customers in North America, Europe and Asia, delivering products that receive high ratings from experts around the world. Since entering the mobile market in 2008, we have been restless in our pursuit of the latest technology, the highest quality and the most user friendly products.
Leaders in Technology
We are passionate about exploring the latest that technology has to offer. Since the start, our products have pushed the boundaries of technology. An example is the 6.65mm OPPO Finder we released in mid-2012, then the world’s thinnest smartphone. Towards the end of 2012, we announced one of the world’s most anticipated smartphones, the OPPO Find 5, featuring a 5″ 1080p display and a 13 megapixel stacked CMOS sensor, it was the world’s first smartphone with hardware supported HDR.
The Highest Quality Standards
OPPO uses only highest quality components available on the market. Alliances with the leading international partners ensure that we have the latest and best hardware available. With an uniquely independent R&D capacity, we design, develop, manufacture, market, and sell our products ourselves.
We have full control over the entire supply chain, from our factories to the hands of our customers. This way, we can design for the end product in mind and ensure that only the best quality products reach our customers.
Customers First
Our customers are the core of our business, and satisfying them is the precondition to our existence. OPPO products are co-developed with our customers, with customer feedback playing a big role in both hardware and software development. For our smartphones, we have adopted rapid release cycles, releasing a weekly firmware update based on customer feedback.
LOKER 2022 Admin Gudang PT World Innovative Telecommunication Jakarta Pusat
Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
- Bertanggung jawab dalam menyusun dan membuat laporan (harian, mingguan, bulanan)
- Bertanggung jawab untuk Stok Gudang
- Melakukan Stock Opname secara teratur
Kualifikasi :
- Kandidat harus memiliki setidaknya Diploma di bidang apapun.
- Memiliki pengalaman Admin Gudang minimal 1 tahun
- Memiliki pengetahuan terkait smartphone.
- Pekerja keras, dapat bekerja dengan baik di bawah tekanan deadline yang ketat.
- Jujur, teliti, dan memiliki kepribadian serta kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Mahir mengoperasikan Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point)
Tingkat Pekerjaan
- Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
- Sertifikat Professional, D3 (Diploma), D4 (Diploma)
Jika anda merasa cocok dengan pekerjaan ini dan memenuhi syarat diatas silahkan apply loker melalui Jobstreet berikut link lokernya: